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The Bears whisper-熊的耳语-伊索寓言 繁體

TTwwoo ttrraavveelleerrss,, JJoohhnn aanndd BBoobb,, aarree wwaallkkiinngg tthhrroouugghh aa ffoorreesstt.. TThheeyy aarree bbeesstt


John: It’s getting dark. How much longer must we go, Bob

Bob: We are almost there.

John: I’m scared. Let’s hurry.

Bob: Don’t be scared, John. I’m here.

John: But what if we meet a Lion or maybe a Bear?

Bob: Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.

John: Really

Bob: Of course. We are best friends. Right I’ll always protect you.

John: Thanks, Bob. You are a true friend.

Bob: Come on. Let’s go. We have to go over that hill.

John: Bob, let’s rest here for a while. I’m tired.

JJoohhnn aanndd BBoobb ddeecciiddee ttoo rreesstt ffoorr aa ffeeww mmiinnuutteess bbeeffoorree ggooiinngg oovveerr tthhee hhiillll..

Bob: We can rest here for a while. But we can’t stay too long. The sun will go

down soon.

John: My feet hurt. I’m going to take off my shoes.

JJoohhnn ttaakkeess ooffff hhiiss sshhooeess.. SSuuddddeennllyy,, hhee hheeaarrss aa ssttrraannggee ssoouunndd..

John: Did you hear that, Bob

Bob: What

John: I hear a strange sound.

Bob: What strange sound I didn’t hear anything.

John: I really heard something.

Bob: What did it sound like

John: I’m not sure. But it sounded like a Bear.

Bob: A Bear! That can’t be. There aren’t any bears around here.

John: I hope you are right.

TThhee ttwwoo lliisstteenn ccaarreeffuullllyy ffoorr aa wwhhiillee.. TThheeyy ddoonn’tt hheeaarr aannyytthhiinngg..

Bob: I told you it’s nothing. Don’t worry. Besides, if it’s a Bear, I’ll

protect you.

John: Thanks, Bob. You’re really brave. I’m glad you’re my friend.

Bob: I’m your best friend You can always trust me. Let’s go now, John. Put on

your shoes.

John: Okay.

JJoohhnn iiss ppuuttttiinngg oonn hhiiss sshhooeess.. AA BBeeaarr sseeeess tthhee ttwwoo..

Bear: I’m hungry. I need some food. Hey, look over there! My worries are over.

There is my lunch and dinner. Hee, hee, hee.

TThhee BBeeaarr ccoommeess oouutt ooff tthhee bbuusshh..

Bear: Hello, you two! Don’t run away! I’m going to eat you up!

Bob: Oh my goodness! It’s a Bear!!! A real Bear!!!

BBoobb rruunnss aawwaayy qquuiicckkllyy bbyy hhiimmsseellff.. HHee ddooeessnn’tt tthhiinnkk ooff JJoohhnn.. JJoohhnn ssttiillll ddooeessnn’tt

hhaavvee hhiiss sshhooeess oonn.. SSoo hhee ccaann’tt rruunn vveerryy ffaasstt..

Bob: Run for your life!!!

John: Wait for me, Bob! I can’t run that fast! Help me, please! Bob doesn’t

help John. He climbs up a tree by himself.

John: I can’t climb up a tree. What shall I do Maybe I’ll pretend to be dead.

Bears don’t eat dead meat.

JJoohhnn pprreetteennddss ttoo bbee ddeeaadd.. HHee jjuusstt lliieess ddoowwnn oonn tthhee ggrroouunndd.. ..

Bear: I got you! Sniff. Sniff. Get up! I know you’re not dead. Come on, get up.

Hmm. Maybe he really is dead. He is not moving or breathing. But he is warm. I

don’t understand.

TThhee BBeeaarr kkeeeeppss ssnniiffffiinngg JJoohhnn.. IItt llooookkss aass iiff tthhee BBeeaarr wwaass wwhhiissppeerriinngg ssoommeetthhiinngg

ttoo JJoohhnn..

Bear: Perhaps he’s dead. I better just go for now.

TThhee BBeeaarr lleeaavveess JJoohhnn aalloonnee aanndd ggooeess.. BBoobb ccoommeess ddoowwnn ffrroomm tthhee ttrreeee..

Bob: John! Are you okay

John: I think so. But why didn’t you help me

Bob: I was going to help, but the Bear just went away. Please forgive me. But

what did the Bear whisper to you

John: Do you really want to know

Bob: Yes, I’m really curious.

John: Well, he told me to stay away from you. A friend that runs away by

himself is not a true friend. I agree with him. You are not my true friend.



AA ffrriieenndd iinn nneeeedd iiss aa ffrriieenndd iinnddeeeedd..

[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]
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