RRaallpphh iiss aa ddoogg.. HHee iiss aallwwaayyss hhuunnggrryy.. HHiiss mmaasstteerr iiss aa vveerryy llaazzyy mmaann.. HHee oonnllyy
ffeeeeddss RRaallpphh oonnccee aa ddaayy..
Ralph: When will my master wake up When will he feed me today I’m really
hungry right now. I can’t wait any longer. I’ll get some food by myself.
RRaallpphh ggooeess oouutt ooff tthhee hhoouussee.. HHee wwaallkkss aanndd wwaallkkss.. HHee llooookkss ffoorr ffoooodd.. HHee ccaann’tt
ffiinndd aannyy aannyywwhheerree.. RRaallpphh aallssoo ggeettss lloosstt..
Ralph: I can’t find any food. And now I am lost. I should have stayed at home.
My master might be awake by now. I am so hungry. Boo-hoo-hoo.
RRaallpphh iiss vveerryy ttiirreedd aanndd ssiittss ddoowwnn ttoo rreesstt ffoorr aa wwhhiillee.. HHee hheeaarrss mmuussiicc ccoommiinngg
ffrroomm aa hhoouussee..
Ralph: Hey, what’s that sound It’s music. It’s coming from that house. I’ll
get closer and take a look.
RRaallpphh llooookkss iinnssiiddee tthhee hhoouussee tthhrroouugghh aann ooppeenn wwiinnddooww..
Ralph: There are lots of people inside. Any it is very noisy. They must be
having a party. Oh, I see lots and lots of food inside, too. How can I get some
RRaallpphh ttrriieess ttoo tthhiinnkk ooff aa wwaayy ttoo ggeett iinnssiiddee.. FFiinnaallllyy,, hhee wwaaiittss uunnttiill nnoo oonnee iiss
llooookkiinngg aanndd qquuiicckkllyy rruunnss iinn.. eevveerryyoonnee iiss ssiinnggiinngg aanndd ddaanncciinngg aanndd hhaavviinngg ffuunn..
Ralph: Look at all the happy people. Look at all the food. They are not even
eating it. I hope I can just get a piece of meat. Someone please throw me some
meat. Oh, please, please, please.
RRaallpphh cclloosseess hhiiss eeyyeess aanndd pprraayyss.. HHee iiss ssoo hhuunnggrryy.. HHee iiss aabboouutt ttoo ffaaiinntt..
Man: Hey, look at that poor Dog over there.
Man2: He looks tired and hungry.
Man: Throw him something.
Man3: You’re right. What a poor Dog! I’ll throw him this piece of meat. Here
Doggie, have this. It’s very good.
RRaallpphh ssmmeellllss tthhee mmeeaatt aanndd ooppeennss hhiiss eeyyeess..
Ralph: Arf! Arf! Oh my goodness! It’s a piece of meat. My prayers came true. I
wonder who threw it to me. That’s not important right now. I better just take
this and run.
RRaallpphh qquuiicckkllyy ttaakkeess tthhee mmeeaatt aanndd rruunnss oouutt ooff tthhee hhoouussee..
Man: Look at that Dog run!He is really fast.
Man2: I guess he was really hungry. Poor Dog.
RRaallpphh iiss vveerryy eexxcciitteedd.. HHee wwaannttss ttoo ttaakkee tthhee mmeeaatt ttoo aa ssaaffee ppllaaccee aanndd eeaatt iitt
tthheerree aallll bbyy hhiimmsseellff.. HHee llooookkss ffoorr aa ggoooodd ppllaaccee ttoo eeaatt..
Ralph: Over there looks like a good place. I better cross that bridge first.
RRaallpphh iiss ccrroossssiinngg tthhee bbrriiddggee.. HHee llooookkss ddoowwnn iinnttoo tthhee wwaatteerr..
Ralph: Hey, who’s that Dog down there He has a bigger piece of meat. What
shall I do I know.I’m a good swimmer. I’ll jump into the water and take the
meat away from him. Then I can eat two pieces of meat. Yahoo! Today is my lucky
day. Arf, arf, arf!!! Ralph jumps into the water.
Ralph: Where did that other Dog go I can’t find him anywhere.
RRaallpphh llooookkss eevveerryywwhheerree,, bbuutt tthhee ootthheerr DDoogg iiss ggoonnee..
Ralph: Oh, forget it. I better get out of the water. I might catch cold.
RRaallpphh ggeettss oouutt ooff tthhee wwaatteerr aanndd qquuiicckkllyy sshhaakkeess hhiiss wwhhoollee bbooddyy..
Ralph: That’s strange. I wonder where the other Dog went But wait! Where is my
piece of meat I had it when I jumped into the water. Now it’s gone. Oh no!
That’s it! I dropped it when I went into the water. My meat is gone now. Boo-
AAss hhee iiss ccrryyiinngg,, RRaallpphh sseeeess aannootthheerr DDoogg ccrryyiinngg iinn tthhee wwaatteerr,, ttoooo.. TThhiiss ttiimmee
RRaallpphh ssnneeeezzeess aanndd tthhee ootthheerr DDoogg ssnneeeezzeess,, ttoooo..
Ralph: Achoo! Hey look! He sneezes just like me. He also cries just like me.
Who is he Let me look closer.
RRaallpphh llooookkss cclloosseerr iinnttoo tthhee wwaatteerr.. HHee iiss ssuurrpprriisseedd,, bbeeccaauussee hhee sseeeess hhiimmsseellff iinn
tthhee wwaatteerr..
Ralph: This can’t be. It’s just me. It’s just my reflection in the water. Then
the other Dog was also just my own reflection I can’t believe it. I lost my
piece of meat because of my reflection. Oh, how foolish I am!!! Today is my
unlucky day! I’m lost. And I am still hungry. What shall I do Boo-hoo-hoo!
IIff yyoouu aarree ttoooo ggrreeeeddyy,, yyoouu mmaayy eevveenn lloossee wwhhaatt yyoouu hhaavvee..
[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]