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The Donkey in the Lions Skin-披着狮皮的驴子-伊索寓言 繁體

AA DDoonnkkeeyy iiss wwaallkkiinngg tthhrroouugghh tthhee ffoorreesstt oonnee ddaayy.. HHee iiss ffeeeelliinngg ssaadd bbeeccaauussee tthhee

ootthheerr aanniimmaallss aallwwaayyss tteeaassee hhiimm..

Donkey: I look too weak. A lion looks very strong. I wash I were a Lion. Then

the other animals wouldn’t tease me anymore.

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy kkeeeeppss ttaallkkiinngg ttoo hhiimmsseellff wwhhiillee wwaallkkiinngg.. TThheenn hhee sstteeppss oonn ssoommeetthhiinngg..

HHee ssttooppss ttoo llooookk..

Donkey: Oh my goodness! It’s a Lion!Please don’t kill me, Mr. Lion. My meat is

no good. I will be your slave. Please! Please! Please! Just this once, don’t

kill me!

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy cclloosseess hhiiss eeyyeess iinn ffrriigghhtt aanndd iiss sshhaakkiinngg aallll oovveerr.. BBuutt tthheerree iiss nnoo

aannsswweerr ffrroomm tthhee LLiioonn.. TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy bbeeccoommeess ccuurriioouuss aanndd ccaarreeffuullllyy ooppeennss hhiiss eeyyeess..

TThhee LLiioonn iiss ssttiillll tthheerree,, bbuutt iitt ddooeess nnoott mmoovvee aatt aallll.. TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy sstteeppss cclloosseerr

ttoo tthhee LLiioonn..

Donkey: Hey, it’s just a Lion’s skin. Jeez! Thank goodness! But who left it

here Oh, that’s not important. Let me see.

The Donkey looks at the Lion’s skin carefully.

Donkey: It has a head, a body, legs, and a tail. It has everything. It even has

paws and sharp teeth. It looks real. This is fantastic! I will try it on.

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy ppuuttss oonn tthhee LLiioonn’ss sskkiinn aanndd ggooeess ttoo aa nneeaarrbbyy ppoonndd ttoo llooookk iinnttoo tthhee


Donkey: Wow! I look like a real Lion. What can I do with this

JJuusstt tthheenn,, aa RRaabbbbiitt ccoommeess ttoo tthhee ppoonndd ttoo ddrriinnkk wwaatteerr.. HHee sseeeess tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy iinn tthhee

LLiioonn’ss sskkiinn..

Rabbit: Eeek!! It’s a Lion! Run! Run! Run for your life!

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy sseeeess tthhee RRaabbbbiitt rruunn aawwaayy.. IItt llooookkss vveerryy ffuunnnnyy..

Donkey: The Rabbit thinks I am a Lion. Ha! Ha! Ha! I’ve got a good idea and

trick all of the other animals, too. This is going to be so much fun. I can’t


TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy iiss vveerryy eexxcciitteedd.. HHee ppuuttss oonn tthhee LLiioonn’ss sskkiinn aanndd wwaallkkss aarroouunndd tthhee


Donkey: There is a Goat. Let’s see if it works again. I will go over to the

Goat. I will pat his shoulders.

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy ppaattss tthhee GGooaatt oonn tthhee sshhoouullddeerr..

Goat: Yes, who is it Ah It’s a Lion! Run everyone!A Lion is in our forest!

Run! Run!

Donkey: Ha! Ha! Ha! It worked again. Look at the Goat! Look at him run! He

looks so silly.

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy iiss vveerryy ssaattiissffiieedd.. HHee wwaannttss ttoo hhaavvee mmoorree ffuunn..

Donkey: Who shall I scare this time Ah ha! There goes a Pig. I will try it on

him. Uh hum

Pig: Oink, oink! It’s a Lion!Everyone, run for your life!

Donkey: Ah ha ha!This is fun. They are really scared of me.

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy ggooeess aarroouunndd tthhee ffoorreesstt aallll ddaayy lloonngg ssccaarriinngg aallll tthhee aanniimmaallss tthheerree..

TThheenn hhee sseeeess aa FFooxx ttaakkiinngg aa nnaapp uunnddeerr aa ttrreeee..

Donkey: There you are, Fox! You tricked me many times. I don’t like you. This

time I will trick you.

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy ssnneeeezzeess oonn ppuurrppoossee..

Donkey: Achoo!

Fox: Who is that Be quiet! I am resting.

Donkey: Uh hum

TThhee FFooxx ooppeennss hhiiss eeyyeess..

Fox: A Lion! Oh my goodness! Don’t kill me, Mr. Lion! I will do anything for

you. Please, don’t kill me. Boo-hoo-hoo.

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy ooppeennss tthhee LLiioonn’ss mmoouutthh.. TThhee FFooxx sseeeess tthhee sshhaarrpp tteeeetthh iinnssiiddee aanndd rruunnss

aawwaayy qquuiicckkllyy..

Fox: Help! Help! Help!

Donkey: Look at the Fox run! Ha! Ha! Ha! I can’t stop laughing! He looks so


The Donkey fooled a lot of animals just by wearing the Lion’s skin, but it is

still not enough.

Donkey: This is getting boring. How can I make them more scared Ah ha! I get

it! I’ll roar like a Lion!

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy ttrriieess ttoo rrooaarr lliikkee aa LLiioonn,, bbuutt iitt ddooeessnn’tt ssoouunndd rriigghhtt.. BBuutt,, tthhee

DDoonnkkeeyy tthhiinnkkss iitt ssoouunnddss lliikkee aa LLiioonn’ss rrooaarr..

Donkey: Ha, ha! Here come those silly animals again. I will make a Lion’s roar.

They will be really scared this time.

TThhee RRaabbbbiitt,, GGooaatt,, PPiigg,, aanndd FFooxx aappppeeaarr.. TThheeyy aarree ttaallkkiinngg aabboouutt tthhee LLiioonn..

Goat: I saw a Lion today. It was so big and scary.

Pig: Yes, I saw him too. It looked mean. I was so scared.

Fox: I was almost caught.

Rabbit: Hey, there comes the Lion again! Let’s run away! Run!

JJuusstt aass tthhee aanniimmaallss aarree aabboouutt ttoo rruunn aawwaayy,, tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy rrooaarrss..

Donkey: Hee-haw! Hee-haw! I am the king of all animals! I will eat all of you!

Hee-haw! Hee-haw!

TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy kkeeeeppss rrooaarriinngg,, bbuutt iitt ssoouunnddss lliikkee aa DDoonnkkeeyy’ss ccrryy..

Rabbit: Hey, wait! That roar sounds strange.

Goat: That doesn’t sound like a Lion’s roar.

Pig: Then whose is it

Fox: I know! That’s the Donkey’s cry!

JJuusstt tthheenn aa ssttrroonngg wwiinndd bblloowwss,, aanndd LLiioonn’ss sskkiinn bblloowwss ooffff tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy..

Donkey: Oh no! What shall I do

Rabbit: Look! It’s the Donkey!

Goat: Yes! It was the Donkey in the Lion’s skin!

Pig: He tricked us all! We were all fooled!

Fox: Wait there, you Donkey! We’re going to

Donkey: Please, forgive me

AAllll ooff tthhee aanniimmaallss rruunn aafftteerr tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy aanndd ggiivvee hhiimm aa hhaarrdd kkiicckk.. TThhee DDoonnkkeeyy

rreeggrreettss wweeaarriinngg tthhee LLiioonn’ss sskkiinn..


DDoonn’tt mmaakkee aa ffooooll ooff yyoouurrsseellff bbyy pprreetteennddiinngg ttoo bbee ssoommeeoonnee eellssee..

[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]
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