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The Golden Ax-金斧頭-伊索寓言 简体

IItt iiss aa hhoott ssuummmmeerr’ss ddaayy.. AA WWooooddccuutttteerr iiss ccuuttttiinngg wwoooodd iinn tthhee ffoorreesstt..

Woodcutter: It’s very hot today. (He wipes his forehead.) But I must cut more

wood. My mother is very sick. I must buy her some medicine.

TThhee WWooooddccuutttteerr iiss bbuussyy ccuuttttiinngg wwoooodd.. SSuuddddeennllyy,, hhiiss aaxx sslliippss ffrroomm hhiiss hhaannddss aanndd

ggooeess ffllyyiinngg iinnttoo aa nneeaarrbbyy ppoonndd..

Woodcutter: Oh, no! My ax fell into the pond! That was my only ax! I still have

to cut more wood. What shall I do My poor mother!

TThhee WWooooddccuutttteerr ssiittss nneeaarr tthhee ppoonndd aanndd jjuusstt ssttaarreess iinnttoo tthhee wwaatteerr.. TThheenn hhee

ssttaarrttss ttoo ccrryy..

Spirit: Young man, why are you crying

Woodcutter: My ax fell in the pond. It was my only ax. I can’t get it out.

Spirit: You are crying because of an ax

Woodcutter: No. I am crying because of my poor mother. I have to cut a lot of

wood to buy my mother’s medicine. But without my ax, I can’t cut any wood.

Spirit: HmmmWell then, I shall find your ax. Just wait here.

The Spirit disappears into the pond for a few minutes and comes out with a

shiny ax.

Spirit: Is this your ax

Woodcutter: No, sir. That is not my ax. That ax is made of gold.

Spirit: Are you sure Look again!

Woodcutter: Yes, I am very sure. That is not my ax.

Spirit: Wait again. I will be back.

TThhee SSppiirriitt ddiissaappppeeaarrss iinnttoo tthhee ppoonndd aaggaaiinn aanndd ccoommeess bbaacckk wwiitthh aannootthheerr aaxx..

Spirit: Is this your ax

Woodcutter: No, no! that is not my ax, either. That is a silver ax. My ax is

not made of silver.

Spirit: Look carefully!

Woodcutter: My ax is made of iron. That one is not mine.

Spirit: I am very sorry. This time I will get the right one. Please wait.

TThhee SSppiirriitt ddiissaappppeeaarrss aanndd ccoommeess bbaacckk wwiitthh aann iirroonn aaxx..

Spirit: Is this your ax

Woodcutter: Oh, yes, yes! That is mine! That is my iron ax! You have found it

at last. Thank you so much. I shall always be grateful.

Spirit:Hum You are an honest man and a devoted son. I shall give you all three

axes. Take them and go home now. Take good care of your mother.

Woodcutter: I will. Do not worry. And thank you again.

TThhee WWooooddccuutttteerr ggooeess bbaacckk ttoo tthhee vviillllaaggee aanndd oonn hhiiss wwaayy hhoommee mmeeeettss aannootthheerr


Woodcutter2: Hello, there.

Woodcutter: Hello.

TThhee ootthheerr WWooooddccuutttteerr sseeeess tthhee ggoollddeenn aanndd ssiillvveerr aaxxeess.. HHee llooookkss vveerryy ssuurrpprriisseedd

aanndd bbeeccoommeess ccuurriioouuss..

Woodcutter2: Where did you get those golden and silver axes They must be very

expensive. You are a rich man.

Woodcutter: I was a poor man, too. But a Spirit came out of the pond and gave

them to me.

Woodcutter2: What do you mean Tell me more, please.

Woodcutter: Well, I was chopping wood. Then my ax fell into the pond. A Spirit

came out of the pond and gave these axes to me.

Woodcutter2: Where is that pond Please tell me!

Woodcutter: It’s in the woods.

Woodcutter2: Okay. Thanks! I shall do the same.

Woodcutter: I don't think that is a good idea. But good luck!

TThhee ootthheerr WWooooddccuutttteerr ggooeess iinnttoo tthhee ffoorreesstt aanndd ffiinnddss tthhee ppoonndd.. HHee pprreetteennddss ttoo bbee

cchhooppppiinngg wwoooodd aanndd tthhrroowwss hhiiss aaxx iinn tthhee ppoonndd oonn ppuurrppoossee..

Woodcutter2: Now, I’ll throw my ax in the pond. Whee!

SSppiirriitt aappppeeaarrss..

Spirit: Did you drop an ax in my pond

Woodcutter2: Yes, I did! Please help me! Find my ax for me!

Spirit: Just wait here. I will find your ax.

TThhee SSppiirriitt ddiissaappppeeaarrss aass bbeeffoorree aanndd ccoommeess oouutt wwiitthh tthhrreeee aaxxeess..

Spirit: Is this golden ax yours

Woodcutter2: Oh, yes! That is mine! Thank you for finding it! Please give it to

me now!

Spirit: Are you sure Look again.

Woodcutter2: Of course, I am sure. That is my ax.

TThhee SSppiirriitt sshhoowwss hhiimm aannootthheerr aaxx..

Spirit: Then how about this ax Is this sliver ax yours, too

Woodcutter2: Oh my goodness! That is also my ax. Give it to me!

Spirit: This silver ax is yours Then,how about this iron ax

TThhee SSppiirriitt sshhoowwss tthhee ootthheerr WWooooddccuutttteerr hhiiss rreeaall aaxx..

Woodcutter2: No, no! That is not my ax. You can have that ax, old man. My axes

are only made of gold and silver. Give me my axes!

SSuuddddeennllyy,, tthhee wwhhoollee ffoorreesstt ttuurrnnss ddaarrkk,, aanndd tthhuunnddeerr aanndd lliigghhttnniinngg ssttrriikkeess..

Spirit: Go back to your village! You are a greedy man and also a terrible liar!

Go home now before you are punished!

Woodcutter2: Oh, no! Please forgive me! At least give back my iron ax!

The Spirit disappears into the pond without saying another word.

Woodcutter2: I won’t be greedy again! Please come back! Give me back my iron


TThhee ootthheerr WWooooddccuutttteerr kkeepptt pplleeaaddiinngg,, bbuutt tthhee SSppiirriitt ddiiddnntt ccoommee bbaacckk.. IItt wwaass ttoooo


Woodcutter2: Now I have nothing. What shall I do Boo-hoo


HHoonneesstt aanndd ddiilliiggeenntt mmeenn aarree rreewwaarrddeedd aanndd ggrreeeeddyy mmeenn aarree ppuunniisshheedd..

[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]
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