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The Goose with Golden Egg-下金蛋的鵞-伊索寓言 简体

AA FFaarrmmeerr aanndd hhiiss wwiiffee lliivvee iinn aa ssmmaallll hhoouussee iinn tthhee ccoouunnttrryy.. TThheeyy aarree vveerryy ppoooorr..

TThheenn oonnee ddaayy ssoommeetthhiinngg ffaannttaassttiicc hhaappppeennss.. ..

Farmer: Good morning, dear.

Wife: Good morning. I’ll fry you some eggs.

The wife goes out to the barn to get some eggs. She suddenly shouts loudly to

the Farmer.

Wife: Come out here, dear! Quickly!

Farmer: Why What’s the matter

TThhee FFaarrmmeerr rruunnss oouutt ttoo tthhee bbaarrnn..

Wife: Look at this!

Farmer: What is it

Wife: It’s a golden egg!

Farmer: A golden egg Where did you get is

Wife: From this Goose. It laid this golden egg.

Goose: Quack, quack!

Farmer: I can’t believe it. It’s so shiny and beautiful. What shall we do with


Wife: Sell it at the market.

Farmer: Good idea. I’ll sell it and buy some meat. The Goose with Golden Egg

The Goose with Golden Egg

Wife: Yes. I’ll cook you a delicious meal tonight.

Farmer: Yahoo! Thank you, Goose!

TThhee FFaarrmmeerr ggooeess ttoo tthhee mmaarrkkeett tthhaatt aafftteerrnnoooonn aanndd ggeettss aa ggoooodd pprriiccee ffoorr tthhee

ggoollddeenn eegggg.. TThhee FFaarrmmeerr aanndd hhiiss WWiiffee hhaavvee aa nniiccee ddiinnnneerr tthhaatt nniigghhtt,, bbuutt tthheeyy

ccaann’tt ffaallll aasslleeeepp.. TThheeyy aarree ssoo eexxcciitteedd aanndd hhooppee tthhaatt tthhee ggoooossee wwiillll llaayy aannootthheerr

ggoollddeenn eegggg ttoommoorrrrooww mmoorrnniinngg..

Goose: Cock –a –doodle-doo!!!

Farmer: Wake up, dear. Let’s see if the Goose laid another golden egg.

Wife: Okay. Let’s hurry.

TThhee ttwwoo rruusshh oouutt ttoo tthhee bbaarrnn..

Farmer: Look! Another golden egg!

Wife: Thank you, Goose. We will be rich soon.

Farmer: Yes. Thanks to the Goose. Feed it well, dear.

Wife: Of course. I will feed it the best food.

AAfftteerr tthhaatt,, tthhee FFaarrmmeerr aanndd hhiiss WWiiffee ggaavvee tthhee GGoooossee tthhee bbeesstt ffoooodd.. TThheeyy lloovveedd

tthhee GGoooossee.. TThhee GGoooossee kkeepptt llaayyiinngg aa ggoollddeenn eegggg eevveerryy ddaayy.. SSoommee mmoonntthhss llaatteerr,, tthhee

ccoouuppllee mmoovveedd ttoo aa bbiiggggeerr hhoouussee.. TThheeyy wweerree vveerryy hhaappppyy..

Farmer: Thanks to the Goose, we are not poor anymore.

Wife: That is true. But I’m getting curious.

Farmer: About what

Wife: The Goose doesn’t look special.

Farmer: So what

Wife: But how can it lay golden eggs

Farmer: Good question. Now I’m getting curious, too. Hmm

More months passed and the Farmer and his Wife became quite rich.

Farmer: We are now quite rich. Thanks to the Goose.

Wife: Yes.

But I want to get really rich fast.

Farmer: How

Wife: Think. We don’t know how the Goose lays the golden eggs. But we know

where they are coming from.

Farmer: We do Where

Wife: From the Goose’s stomach, of course. So it's stomach must be full of

golden eggs.

Farmer: Perhaps. I don’t know.

Wife: Can’t you see We can become really rich all at once.

Farmer: What do you mean

Wife: Cut open the Goose’s stomach. Take out all of the golden eggs inside.

Farmer: You mean kill the Goose

Wife: Ye s. A golden egg a day is too slow. I want to become really rich. Now!

Farmer: But it has given us a golden egg every day. It made us rich. We can’t

kill it now.

Wife: Why not Don’t you want to become richer faster

Farmer: Yes, but we are rich right now.

Wife: Yes. But I want to become really really rich. I want to live in the city.

Bring the knife from the kitchen.

Farmer: If you wish, dear.

TThhee FFaarrmmeerr bbrriinnggss aa sshhaarrpp kknniiffee ffrroomm tthhee kkiittcchheenn.. TThhee GGoooossee sseeeess tthhee kknniiffee aanndd

ssttaarrttss ccrryyiinngg aanndd rruunnss aawwaayy.. TThhee WWiiffee hhiiddeess tthhee kknniiffee bbeehhiinndd hheerr bbaacckk..

Goose: Quack, quack!

Wife: What’s the matter, Goose I have something delicious for you.

Goose: Quack, quack!

Wife: it’s running away! Go and catch it!

Farmer: Okay, dear. Come here, Goosey.

Goose: Quack, quack!

Wife: Catch it, catch it!

Farmer: I got it! The Goose with Golden Egg

Goose: Quack, quack!

TThhee FFaarrmmeerr ccaattcchheess tthhee GGoooossee aanndd tthhee WWiiffee iiss aabboouutt ttoo ccuutt ooppeenn iittss ssttoommaacchh..

Wife: We will be really rich soon. How many eggs will there be

Farmer: I don’t know. But there must be many. I’m getting curious now. Hurry

up. Cut it open.

Wife: Okay, here I go.

Goose: (scream)Q-U-A-C-K!!!

TThhee GGoooossee’ss ssttoommaacchh iiss ccuutt ooppeenn.. TThhee FFaarrmmeerr aanndd hhiiss WWiiffee llooookk ssuurrpprriisseedd..

Farmer: Where are the golden eggs

Wife: I don’t know. There must be some inside. Look carefully!

Farmer: There are none! What have we done

Wife: No golden eggs

Farmer: Poor Goose. We were too greedy. So we will become poor again.

Wife: Poor us!

Farmer: Boo-hoo-hoo.


DDoonn’tt bbee ggrreeeeddyy..

[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]
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