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The Son and his Mother-儿子和他的母亲-伊索寓言 繁體

TThheerree oonnccee lliivveedd aa SSoonn aanndd hhiiss MMootthheerr.. TThhee SSoonn ddiidd mmaannyy bbaadd tthhiinnggss,, bbuutt tthhee

MMootthheerr nneevveerr ppuunniisshheedd hhiimm.. TTooddaayy iiss tthhee SSoonn’ss ffiirrsstt ddaayy aatt sscchhooooll..

Son: I’m home, Mom.

Mother: How was school, my son

Son: It was okay.

Mother: Did you make any friends

Son: No.

Mother: Then what did you do at school

Son: Nothing much. Can I go to my room now

Mother: Wait a minute. What are you hiding behind your back

Son: It’s nothing.

Mother: What is it Just show it to me. I won’t punish you.

Son: You promise

Mother: Yes, I promise.

Son: Then here. It’s a toy car.

Mother: Where did you get it

Son: Well, um

Mother: It’s all right. Just tell me. I won’t punish you.

Son: A friend gave it to me.

Mother: A friend You said you don’t have any friends.

Son: Well, um

Mother: It’s all right. Just tell me the truth. I won’t punish you.

Son: You really won’t punish me

Mother: Of course not.

Son: Well, to tell the truth, I stole it.

Mother: Oh really That’s all right. Go ahead and play with it.

Son: Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.

AA ffeeww ddaayyss llaatteerr,, tthhee SSoonn bbrroouugghhtt hhoommee aa ssttoorryy bbooookk..

Son: I’m home, Mom.

Mother: Did you have a good day, my son

Son: Yes. Look what I have.

Mother: What is it

Son: It’s a story book.

Mother: Where did you get it

Son: Promise not to punish me.

Mother: Just tell me. I won’t punish you.

Son: Well, I stole it. It’s new, too.

Mother: Let me see. It really is new. It’s all right. Go ahead and read it.

Son: Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.

TThhee SSoonn kkeepptt sstteeaalliinngg tthhiinnggss,, bbuutt tthhee MMootthheerr nneevveerr ppuunniisshheedd hhiimm.. HHee iiss nnooww iinn

hhiigghh sscchhooooll,, bbuutt hhiiss bbaadd hhaabbiitt wwaass ssttiillll tthhee ssaammee..

Son: I’m home, Mom. Look what I stole today.

Mother: What did you steal this time, my son

Son: I stole this jacket. Isn’t it nice

Mother: Yes, it is. Go ahead and wear it.

Son: Thanks, Mom. You’re the best. What should I steal next time

Mother: I don’t care. Whatever you wish, my son.

TTiimmee ppaasssseedd aanndd tthhee SSoonn iiss nnooww aa ggrroowwnn mmaann.. HHee ccoonnttiinnuueedd ttoo sstteeaall tthhiinnggss ffrroomm

ootthheerr ppeeooppllee aanndd bbeeccaammee aa rreeaall tthhiieeff..

Son: What should I go to steal today I know! I’ll go to the bank. There must

be lots of money there.

TThhee SSoonn bbrreeaakkss iinnttoo tthhee bbaannkk dduurriinngg tthhee nniigghhtt..

Son: Wow! Look at all of this money! I’m rich now.

JJuusstt tthheenn aa ssiirreenn rriinnggss aanndd aallll ooff tthhee lliigghhttss iinn tthhee bbaannkk ttuurrnn oonn.. IItt iiss bbrriigghhtt

aass ddaayy.. TThhee SSoonn ttrriieess ttoo rruunn aawwaayy..

Police: Stop there, you thief! You can’t get away. The police are everywhere.

You are trapped. Ha, ha, ha. I got you.

Son: Let me go! Just this once, please! I won’t do it again.

Police: Not a chance! I can’t let you go. You must be punished. Let’s go to the

police station. The guard takes him to the police station. The Son is locked

up. His mother comes to visit him.

Mother: Are you okay, my son

Son: No! I am not okay! I am in jail!

Mother: Why did you do this

Son: Come here closer, Mom. I’ll tell you.

TThhee MMootthheerr ggooeess cclloosseerr ttoo hheerr SSoonn.. JJuusstt tthheenn tthhee SSoonn bbiitteess hheerr rriigghhtt eeaarr..

Mother: Ouch! That hurt. Why did you do that You are a bad boy. You should be


Son: Why didn’t you punish me before Because of you, I became a thief.

Mother: What do you mean, my son I didn’t do anything.

Son: That’s just it. You didn’t do anything. You never punished me. And now I’m

in jail. Why didn’t you punish me when I first stole the toy car

Mother: Because I loved you. I’m sorry, my son.

Son: It’s no use now.


SSppaarree tthhee rroodd aanndd ssppooiill tthhee cchhiilldd..

[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]
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