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The Wind and the Sun-北风与太阳-伊索寓言 繁體

IItt iiss aa ccoolldd wwiinntteerr mmoorrnniinngg aanndd tthhee WWiinndd iiss bblloowwiinngg ssttrroonnggllyy..

Wind: Blow away! Blow away! Ha, ha, ha! Look at those trees! They are shaking.

TThhee WWiinndd bblloowwss ssttrroonnggeerr..

Wind: Blow away! Blow away! Look at those houses! They are also shaking. I am

the strongest in the world.

TThhee WWiinndd bblloowwss aanndd bblloowwss.. TThhee wweeaatthheerr bbeeccoommeess ccoollddeerr aanndd ccoollddeerr..

Wind: I can shake trees and houses. I can even blow them away. I am the

strongest in the world.

TThhee SSuunn ccoommeess aalloonngg..

Sun: Hello there, Mr. Wind. It is very cold and windy today, isn’t it

Wind: Yes. I did it.

Sun: Really?You must be strong.

Wind: Yes. I am the strongest in the world.

Sun: You may be strong, but I am stronger.

Wind: Ha, ha, ha. You must be joking.

Sun: No, I am not. I am the strongest.

Wind: Well, then show me. What can you do Can you blow away a tree

TThhee WWiinndd bblloowwss aawwaayy aa ttrreeee..

Wind: See!

Sun: Wow! That’s great! I can’t do that. But I can melt snow. And I can help

flowers grow. I can also bring spring. I am the strongest in the world.

Wind: That’s nothing. I am the strongest in the world.

TThhee SSuunn aanndd tthhee WWiinndd kkeeeepp aarrgguuiinngg uunnttiill aa ssttrraannggeerr wwaallkkss bbyy..

Wind: I have an idea, Mrs. Sun. Do you see that man

Sun: The one wearing the blue coat

Wind: Yes. Let’s make a bet.

Sun: What kind of a bet

Wind: Make him take off his coat. If you win, you are the strongest. If I win,

I am the strongest.

Sun: That sounds interesting. If I win, stop blowing so hard.

Wind: I promise.

Sun: You go first.

Wind: Are you sure

Sun: Of course.

Wind: Okay then. I will go first.

TThhee WWiinndd bblloowwss aass hhaarrdd aass hhee ccaann.. BBuutt tthhee hhaarrddeerr tthhee WWiinndd bblleeww,, tthhee mmoorree tthhee

mmaann wwrraappppeedd tthhee ccooaatt aarroouunndd hhiimm..

Wind: What’s the matter Why isn’t the coat coming off

Stranger: The wind is strong today. I am cold. Brrr..

Wind: I’ll try harder.

Stranger: Achoo! It is getting colder. I better hold on to my coat.

Wind: Blow away coat! Blow away!

Sun: It’s no use.

Wind: I’ll try one last time.

Sun: This is your last chance.

Wind: Okay. I will blow harder.

TThhee WWiinndd bblloowwss aass hhaarrdd aass hhee ccaann,, bbuutt tthhee ssttrraannggeerr’ss ccooaatt ddooeessnn’tt bbllooww aawwaayy..

Sun: You are very strong, Mr. Wind. But sometimes strength is no use. It’s my

turn now. I’ll try.

Wind: Go ahead. It won’t be easy.

TThhee WWiinndd iiss aa lliittttllee wwoorrrriieedd..

Wind: (murmur) What if she wins No, that can’t be.

TThhee SSuunn sshhiinneess ggeennttllyy oonn tthhee SSttrraannggeerr..

Stranger: What happened to the wind The sun is out now. It is getting warm.

Gee, what a strange day!

TThhee SSttrraannggeerr llooookkss uupp aatt tthhee SSuunn aanndd ffaannss hhiimmsseellff..

Stranger: It’s getting warmer. I can’t stand it!

TThhee SSttrraannggeerr ssttaarrttss lloooosseenniinngg hhiiss ccooaatt bbuuttttoonn..

Wind: I don’t understand. You didn’t do anything.

Sun: Strength is not everything. Just watch.

TThhee SSttrraannggeerr lloooosseennss aallll ooff hhiiss ccooaatt bbuuttttoonnss.. TThhee SSuunn kkeeeeppss sshhiinnnniinngg oonn hhiimm..

Stranger: I am still hot. It’s like spring. I must take off my coat.

Wind: He is taking off his coat! I don’t believe it. You didn’t do anything.

Sun: Yes, I did. I gave him sunshine. I made him warm. I said strength is not


Wind: You were right. Strength is not everything. You win. You are the

strongest in the world.

Sun: Thank you. I can’t blow away trees. But I can make people warm and happy.

So they all love me.

Wind: From now on, I will blow gently.

Sun: And I will shine gently. Spring will come soon.

TThhee SSuunn sshhoonnee aanndd tthhee WWiinndd bblleeww ggeennttllyy.. SSpprriinngg wwaass aarroouunndd tthhee ccoorrnneerr..


SSttrreennggtthh iissnn’tt eevveerryytthhiinngg..

[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]
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